The Ohio State University - College of Food, Agricultural, and Environmental Sciences issued the following announcement on February 18.
Ohio State University Extension and Ohio Treasurer Robert Sprague celebrate Ohio Saves Week 2022
The annual campaign focuses on helping Ohioans build financial resilience.
Columbus – Ohio State University Extension and Ohio Treasurer Robert Sprague are proud to partner in celebrating Ohio Saves Week, an annual statewide campaign and recognition of the larger America Saves Week that encourages individuals and families to check in on their finances by highlighting several key areas that contribute to financial stability. Beginning an automatic saving plan, reducing debt, and planning for retirement and unexpected expenses are all strategies to help build a more stable financial situation.
Ohio Saves Week will tie in with America Saves Week, which will take place this year February 21-25.
During last year’s campaign, Ohioans made an average pledge to save $1,240 toward their self-selected goals. General and emergency savings, and saving for homeownership, were Ohio savers’ top three goals in 2021.
The America Saves pledge is the online tool that allows savers to set a goal and to make a plan to achieve greater financial stability. Learn more at
“Whether you’re a high school student preparing for life after graduation or an older adult working toward retirement, financial literacy education can ensure you’re ready to navigate any challenge that lies ahead,” said Treasurer Sprague. “Ohio Saves Week is a great opportunity to evaluate your goals and take advantage of the resources available to help Ohioans secure a sound financial future. We’re proud to partner with OSU Extension to expand the reach of their financial literacy and empowerment tools.”
Throughout Ohio Saves Week, OSU Extension will share information and helpful tools through social media to encourage Ohioans to set and carry out a savings goal. A variety of virtual events will also be held to build more financially resilient households in our state, including virtual webinars about “Saving Under Pressure” and how to “Save Automatically.”
OSU Extension, which is the outreach arm of The Ohio State University College of Food, Agricultural, and Environmental Sciences (CFAES), offers financial management assistance and financial literacy instruction in Ohio’s counties through its Family and Consumer Sciences and 4-H Youth Development programming.
Last year during America Saves Week, Treasurer Sprague announced a partnership with CFAES to advance and expand the use of the college’s Real Money. Real World. financial literacy program statewide. The Real Money. Real World. program was developed by OSU Extension and is designed for youth ages 12-18. The curriculum includes an interactive spending simulation that provides participants the opportunity to make lifestyle and budget choices similar to those they will make as adults.
“Promoting effective savings strategies is key in Extension’s effort to help Ohio households build a more stable and resilient financial future,” said Cathann A. Kress, Ohio State’s vice president for agricultural administration and CFAES dean. “We appreciate the partnership of Treasurer Sprague in highlighting OSU Extension’s work throughout our local communities.”
Ohioans can learn more about the Ohio Saves campaign and sign the pledge to commit to a savings goal today.
Since 2007, America Saves Week, coordinated by America Saves and its partners, has annually celebrated a call to action for everyday Americans to commit to saving successfully. Through the support of thousands of participating organizations, together we encourage our local communities to do a financial check in to get a clear view of your money story and saving behaviors.
Original source can be found here.