We have a heartwarming story to share about someone celebrating a special 99th birthday in Mantua today. Sheriff Bruce D. Zuchowski had the opportunity to attend the celebration in honor of Mr. Ed Leferink, presenting him with a copy of the letter below. After the celebration at his home, the Mantua Fire Department graciously picked him up for a trip to the fire station, where he spent many years as a firefighter.
Happy birthday from all of us at PCSO, Mr. Leferink! God bless you and thank you for your service!
The letter reads:
Ed Leferink was born May 24, 1923. At the age of 17, he enlisted in the U.S. Army Air Force as a Gunner and became a Crew Chief. He served under multiple hardships and combat missions. Ed flew over the European Theatre of Operations. His plane was shot down over England, where he successfully parachuted into unknown territory.
After many days, he was able to return to a safe location and was rescued by our WWII Allies. After 1 year and 9 months he was awarded the Purple Heart, as well as other multiple Decorations and Battle Citations. Ed returned home, where he met the love of his life, Emma. They have since enjoyed 74yrs of Marriage.
Ed continued to serve his Community and Country as a Mantua Firefighter for many years. Today, we are here to celebrate his 99th Birthday! We also celebrate his honor, dedication, and love that he has for his family, friends, and Country. Ed is our local hero and we want to wish him a wonderful 99th birthday.
Original source can be found here